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Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

Health News No Alcohol Safe Pragnant Woman

on Wed, 01/18/2012 - 12:31

It has been recently revealed according to a new study that no amount of alcohol intake is considered to be safe during pregnancy. The authors of this new study are of the view that any amount of alcohol intake while pregnancy might lead to thefetal alcohol syndrome, which tends to be extremely dangerous for the child.
It was earlier believed that a glass of wine occasionally might not tend to hurt, if the woman takes it is a controlled fashion. But the truth is that any amount of alcohol taken by the expecting mother will tend to have ill effects on the growth anddevelopment of the child.
The variety of effects it might tend to have on children might be different from one to another, but the basic idea is that women should quit drinking alcohol absolutely, while pregnancy. There might be many different types of complications that women and their children might tend to get into, with this sort of alcohol intake.
"The fact that we didn't find a safe threshold is important," "Not every child of women who drink even very heavily has all the features, so there are certain susceptibility factors that we don't know", revealed Christina Chambers, theAssociate Pediatrics Professor with the University of California. . Despite of incessant appeals by health experts, many expecting mother have overlooked the necessity to track down the nutrition value of whatever they consume during this crucial face of their life.
It is essential that women prepare their bodies for pregnancy and start cleansingtheir system, and even during pregnancy; they need to be careful of eating and drinking right, in order to benefit the child. This makes it all the more essential for women to steer clear from things like alcohol, as they tend to harm the health and safety of the child, even in small amounts.

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